Books - Magazines Colorado

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You Are A.B.L.E - Moving From Shattered To Empowered May 17, 2021
You Are A.B.L.E - Moving From Shattered To Empowered
Christian Encouragement For Entrepreneurs August 12, 2016 was one of the worst days of my life! As I watched my Mom take her final breath, I was paralyzed with shock, sorrow, fear and uncertainty. I did not know what I was going to do. Me, an only child who had enjoyed having my Mom live with me for...
Conejos Free
October 27, 2023
Book - Digital Dependency: Wired, Tired, and Mired
Explore the neuroscience of likes, the narrative of gaming, and the nudges for digital detox. "Digital Dependency: Wired, Tired, and Mired" is a call to introspect and interact. Reclaim your life and rediscover real connections. Visit author webpage at -