WHIZZINATOR - The Hottest Over-The-Counter Fake Pee Device to Pass a Drug Test

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Health - Beauty May 6, 2024 4


The Whizzinator is an innovative over-the-counter device used to cheat probation officers or corporate drug screeners. Consisting of a strap-on penis that can be filled with synthetic urine for testing purposes and worn during screenings, it offers users a great way to evade detection during drug screenings.

Whizzinator became widely recognized after it was found in the luggage of NFL player Onterrio Smith. Puck Technology, who manufactured Whizzinator, were charged with defrauding the government.

It is easy to use

The Whizzinator is an easy, safe, and effective way to pass any urine drug test with guaranteed results. Easily navigated instructions make using it straightforward - not to mention its 14-day return policy should anything not go as expected!

Gerald Wills, the creator of the Whizzinator, eventually pleaded guilty to selling fake pee devices and synthetic urine in order to pass drug tests at pilot and truck driving companies regulated by federal authorities. Wills received six months in prison with three years supervised release following this plea agreement.

It is safe

WHIZZINATOR is a simulated pee device that helps users pass drug tests undetected. While initially sold as a sexual toy, most customers purchase it to pass future urinalysis tests. The device features a urethra tube with urine powder in it, heater packs to keep body temperature constant while providing fake pee, as well as false penis extensions (available with white, tan, Latino brown or black skin tones) for discreet peeing and false pens (available with white skin tones).

California-based Alternative Lifestyle Systems took over ownership of this trademark and re-branded the product with new disclosures to warn users not to use it to cheat drug tests. But Whizzinators remains popular among probationers; an official from Alternative Lifestyle Systems reported that about once every three months probation officers catch someone using one.

The Whizzinator is an adult novelty pee device intended to help pass drug tests. Consisting of a jockstrap fitted with an artificial penis that holds and keeps warm the urine sample, this device has become widely popular with individuals required to submit to urine testing as part of job or probation requirements. It also finds great popularity within adult novelty markets.Those that need to comprehend pure gold fake urine, they will visit here.

It is affordable

The Whizzinator Touch is a device that helps users pass drug tests by providing an uncontaminated sample of synthetic urine. Additionally, this device is equipped with heating capabilities which will heat it to body temperature for accurate results. Most employees who need to pass drug tests use it, with it becoming popular online marketplaces as an affordable solution; but for optimal performance it should only be purchased from quality brands which will not appear during laboratory screening tests.

This device includes a vial of synthetic urine, a cleaning syringe, heating pads to maintain temperature of synthetic pee, heating pads for artificial pee, heating pads for artificial pee, heating pads to maintain the synthetic pee temperature, heating pads to regulate its temperature as it passes through, waistband and leg straps to cover fake penis, five different skin tones to choose from and is covered by a 14-day money back guarantee.

Whizzinator devices have been in widespread use since the early 2000s, becoming particularly prominent following an incident wherein a professional sports star attempted to pass a drug test using one. Gerald Wills and Dennis Catalano, the original owners of this device, were eventually charged with defrauding the US government.


Please visit our website: https://whizzinator.com/
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