What is ORM services?

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Other Services August 21, 2023 30


ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping. It refers to a programming technique and a set of tools that facilitate the interaction between object-oriented programming languages (such as Java, Python, or C#) and relational databases. The main purpose of ORM is to bridge the gap between the object-oriented world and the relational database world, enabling developers to work with database data using object-oriented principles without having to write extensive SQL code.

Reputation Management Services in Delhi provide a way to define and model the structure of the database using classes and objects in the programming language. These services handle the translation of data between the object-oriented representation in the code and the tabular representation in the database. This simplifies the process of database manipulation, as developers can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using familiar object-oriented methods and syntax.

ORM services offer benefits such as increased productivity, reduced boilerplate code, improved maintainability, and database portability across different database management systems. Some popular ORM frameworks include Hibernate for Java, Django ORM for Python, Entity Framework for .NET, and SQLAlchemy for Python.

However, using ORM services can sometimes lead to performance trade-offs, as the abstraction layer between the programming language and the database can introduce overhead. Careful consideration of the application's requirements and performance characteristics is necessary when choosing to use ORM services.

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